How can an attorney help me with workers’ compensation?

Workers’ compensation laws protect workers who are hurt on the job. An injury occurring on the job “out of and in the course of employment” is covered by workers’ compensation laws. Many work-related injuries are minor and most employees recover quickly and are able to return to work. When things go smoothly, there is not much need to hire an attorney.

However, when a workers’ compensation claim is rejected, we can help. We can also help if your claim is accepted but the amount offered doesn’t cover your medical needs, or if appropriate medical care is denied. We can also help if your employer retaliates against you because of your compensation claim.

We do the work so you won’t have to.

  • We have the knowledge and experience to guide you through the workers’ compensation process.
  • We can help you get the medical treatment you need and the maximum financial recovery permitted by law.
  • We will file the necessary Claim Petition and guide you through the system, protecting your rights every step of the way.

Under the state’s workers’ compensation law, workers with work-related injuries or occupational diseases are entitled to a variety of benefits from their employers, including:

  • Medical treatment
  • Temporary disability benefits payments while you receive treatment and are unable to work
  • A monetary award for permanent injuries
  • Dependents, typically spouses and minor children of workers who die from work-related injuries or diseases, are also entitled to benefits

Your employer has insurance to cover work-related injuries and occupational diseases.

  • That insurance company has an entire staff and has retained lawyers to make sure workers get as few benefits as possible.
  • Employers or their insurance companies may refuse to provide injured workers with the medical treatment and temporary disability benefits mandated by law.
  • If compensation to injured workers for their permanent injuries and disability are not voluntarily paid, the only way to protect the rights of an injured worker is to file a workers’ compensation case.

We not only file the case, but zealously protect your rights to get you the best treatment and most compensation possible.

New Jersey law prohibits employers from retaliating or threatening to retaliate against employees who file a workers’ compensation case. If that law is broken, we can help you protect your rights.
Retaliation in response to a workers’ compensation claim can take many forms, including:

  • Termination
  • Demotion
  • Reduction in pay or in work hours
  • Loss of benefits
  • Denial of any other employment opportunity

If you have any questions about workers’ compensation or concerns about a work-related injury, contact our office for a free consultation.